The Bits in computers

A modern computer has way too many bits that acts as our volatile working memory, this is the portion of the computer our program typically interacts with.

  • When we declare our variables, they simply consume spaces on our volatile memory until we are done working with them,
    • Which on it’s hand, will free the memory and make it available for our next incoming variables
  • JS has abstracted the logic of interacting with these bits, we just have to write a name and just like that, we have a chunk within to store data in our volatile memory.
  • All values have to be stored somewhere, and thus

The special numbers

There are three numbers that are considered numbers but don’t behave like normal numbers infinity, -infinity and NaN ( which would be fair to consider as: not a valid number, rather than not a number)

The absence of meaningfulness

There are two values null and undefined that are used to denote the absence of meaningful value. they are values that do not carry any significant information.

the \ character (or back slash) has a special power, whenever placed in front of a character, indicated that the following character has some kind of special meaning.